3 Questions a study from Galatians - 3 Week Series

$20.78 $15.59
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Welcome to our latest series, where we delve into three fundamental questions that we should all ask ourselves regularly. Through the lens of the book of Galatians, we explore these questions to uncover valuable insights and lessons for life.

Join us for these enlightening lessons:

Lesson 1 - "Who Am I Trying To Please?"

Lesson 2 - "Whose Power Am I Depending On?"

Lesson 3 - "What Is A True Friend?"

We believe that by engaging with these questions, your kids will gain deeper understanding and wisdom that will guide them in their journey of faith.

Included in this comprehensive package are lesson manuals, Keynote presentations,, family devotions, and promotional graphics—everything you need to embark on this life-changing journey of scripture memorization with your kids. Videos and Music not included.

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