Live like a King 4 Week Series

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Mephibosheth was a poor, crippled boy who was the son of Jonathan, one of David’s best friends. David had made a promise to Jonathan before he died. David had prom- ised Jonathan that he would take care of Jonathan’s family and show kindness to them for generations to come.

 Many years later, David remembers the promise he had made and asks “Is there any- one left in Jonathan’s family that I can show kindness to for Jonathan’s sake?” When he finds out about Mephibosheth, King David ended up bringing him into his own house and making him like one of his sons. Mephibosheth went from being a poor crippled boy to Living Like A King.                   
In this series, the children will learn many lessons from the story of Mephibosheth. In the first lesson, they will learn how life can sometimes “cripple” us, causing extreme hurt and pain. But, God can restore us and get us back where we belong.                   

In the second lesson, the children will learn from the example of King David how each one of us should respond to those who are desperate and hurting. In the third lesson, they will learn how God has adopted each of us into His family, even when our lives were “crippled” by sin.                   

In the final lesson, the children will learn about the importance of choosing the right friends through the bad example of Ziba, Mephibosheth’s servant. It is an amazing series that we know your children will enjoy!

Lesson 1: “Crippled”

Lesson 2: “Welcome To The Family”

Lesson 3: “Adopted” 

Lesson 4: “Watch Out For Zibas”

 * Please note that this resource is specially priced for the Southern Africa region and is currently only available at this price within South Africa.
