Say Whaaaat?- 6 Week Series

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Jesus challenged the status quo. From the moment He arrived on the scene, He made statement after statement that made people stop in their tracks. In fact, His statements made all the people around Him stop and say the modern-day equivalent of, “Say Whaaaat?”

If we are going to be the kind of Christians God has called us to be, we will have to learn to live the way Jesus lived and think the way Jesus thought. That means we have to retrain ourselves and reprogram our minds. We have to lose the human way of thinking and embrace the Jesus way of thinking.

In this series, your children will learn about some of the most challenging statements and teachings of Jesus. From learning to store up treasures in Heaven to learning to live without worry, your kids will be challenged to get rid of the “old” way of thinking and embrace the “Jesus” way of thinking!

  • Lesson 1 - “Why Do You Call Me Lord, But Don't Do What I Say?"
  • Lesson 2 - “What Do You Benefit If You Gain The Whole World, But Lose Your Own Soul?"
  • Lesson 3 - “Where Are The Other Nine?"
  • Lesson 4 - “Why Are You Afraid?"
  • Lesson 5 - "Why Worry About A Speck In Your Friend's Eye When You Have A Log In Your Own?"
  • Lesson 6 - “Which Would You Say Was A Neighbor?"

Included in this comprehensive package are lesson manuals, PowerPoint presentations,, family devotions, and promotional graphics—everything you need to embark on this life-changing journey of scripture memorisation with your kids.

Specially priced for the Southern Africa region (currently available only in South Africa at this price). Get your copy today!

