The Lord is my Shepherd 6 Week Message Series

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Psalm 23 is probably one of the most famous chapters in the Bible. Many people have memorized the entire chapter. In fact, the goal is that by the time you are through with this series,YOU and your kids will have memorized the whole thing as well. In this series, we are going to take each verse of Psalm 23 and study exactly what it means to have the Lord as our Shepherd.


Sheep aren’t very smart! Left on their own, they really can’t do much other than wander around looking for food. The problem is, they wouldn’t hardly know where to look for food left on their own. They need a shepherd to lead them and guide them in their lives.

It’s that way with us, too. On our own, we don’t have a CLUE what we should do in life. People who don’t know God do an awful lot of wandering around with no idea how they are supposed to live their lives. We are ALL sheep that are in need of our Shepherd, GOD!

That’s why David wrote,“The Lord is my Shepherd.” Just like a shepherd leads the sheep to everything they need, God does the same thing for us. No matter what we need, God takes care of it. The Bible says that God is “The Good Shepherd.” We are so blessed to have a Good Shepherd like God to lead us, guide us, and to provide for all that we need. But, if we want God to lead us and provide for us, then we have to CHOOSE to follow Him as our Shepherd. He will never force us to follow Him. We must CHOOSE to make Him our Leader, our Guide, in other words – our SHEPHERD!

We pray that this series helps your kids learn to follow God and be able to truly say,“The Lord Is MY Shepherd!” 

Lesson 1: “The Good Shepherd”

Lesson 2: “Resting In God”

Lesson 3: “New Strength”

Lesson 4: “Walking In The Valley”.

Lesson 5: “Honoured And Blessed”

Lesson 6: “In God’s House” 

Specially priced for the Southern Africa region (currently available only in South Africa at this price). Get your copy today!
